Metaverse assembly in UAE

Dubai reveals first partners in upcoming global metaverse event

The Dubai Metaverse Assembly will take place at the Museum of the Future and Emirates Towers, AREA 2071– and will run from September 28 to 29

The Dubai Metaverse assembly, organised by the Dubai Future Foundation (DFF) is said to host the likes of the World Economic Forum, Meta, Mastercard, Emirates, and Accenture, among other global organisations

The assembly will open a platform for the participants to discuss, explore and shape the future of the metaverse.

“This global assembly will facilitate synergies amongst the most pioneering and innovative private and government entities, building exciting use cases in web 3.0 and the metaverse,” Dubai Metaverse Assembly’s director Hamad Al Shirawi said.

Al Shirawi added the assembly will also “bring together policymakers, academia, startups and corporates to explore these technologies and their impact,” in the metaverse.

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