Can we target Affluent in digital?

Affluent consumers controls 21% of UK wealth and the consumption of digital within the affluent consumers can be split into 2 or 3 sections, for a start UHNWI (earning £5-8 million a year) tend to rely on relationships and direct approach than merely shop online, they like to personally shop and touch/feel the dress/suit/watch before they make that all important vale purchase so their dependency on digital and social is low.

HNWI customers (earning £200k-2m a year) on the other hand have a mixture of digital and non digital and they tend to get their recommendations from influencers, peers and the tripe they mingle with and look for the best and most exclusive deal/dress/watch & handbag. This group uses smart phones to check the internet for information before they purchase.

Affluent consumers vary in their reaction to luxury brands and digital marketing messages and would not base their purchase on sponsored content.

Cultural HNWI on the other hand is growing in the UK and estimated to control 5% of UK wealth, tailored made messages and content are paramount to get the transaction to happen faster and more frequent.

Affluent consumers have groups on What’s Up to share video and published content of relevance to them and subscription is by invitation. Group members do spend between 3-10 hours PW on the Internet through mobile phones and pads, talking, Facebook, email, social & blogging.

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